I your humble narrator Rawr Catz hope to drag you kicking and screaming through the veritable ramparts of college football glory. I have a small and concise manifesto to share with you today, our inaugural day of RAWRing across the interwebz
1. Frank Solich is the unquestioned badass behind the resurgence in RAWRCATZ football. I mean, look at this glorious son of a bitch:
I titled that picture "chosen one" for a reason. The man is a savior to the entire RAWRCATZ! nation. We here at RAWRCATZRAWR!BLOG! are forever indebted to the leadership and tenacity he has brought to the position of head coach.
2. WE ARE THE BEST TEAM IN THE STATE OF OHIO! Did you see that Tennessee game? We had those Volunfaileers on the ropes until Lane Kiffin worked his black-magic, voodoo crap and wrestled that game away from fate. If Ohio State wants to come onto our turf they can come whenever they want. We will not give them a return game though. I mean, why lower ourselves to play in something named after the only functional part of a horse?
3. We are in NO WAY affiliated with Ohio University. We are the RAWRCATZ! and that is all the awesomeness you can expect from us. Our awesomeness is somewhere significantly lower than Frank Solich, but significantly higher than anything you'd find at Bowling Green. We fight for RAWRCATZ! glory.
Expect some significant updates in the coming weeks since we have the glorious misfortune of starting mid-season. But we'll be breaking down all things RAWRCATZ for you in the most intimate of details.
Stick around, cheer on the RAWRCATZ! and be good. Frank is watching.
1 comment:
Go RAWRCATZ!!! BOO for heisman.
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